It’s been a week since the exciting Comic-Con in Romania, (1-2-3 september 2023) and the excitement still lingers! We want to thank everyone who made this unforgettable experience possible.
At this event, not only did we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves in rich Japanese culture, but I also actively participated as an instructor in Sumie workshops and live painting demonstrations. As a passionate enthusiast of Japanese art and culture, it was an honor for me to share my knowledge and techniques in this sumie.
The event wouldn’t have been so special without the support of the Japanese embassy staff, to whom we are grateful. In particular, we want to highlight Toma-san, our star translator, whose skill made communication flawless.
The volunteers also deserve special thanks for their tireless dedication to making this Comic-Con a success.
During the event, we had the chance to meet artists specializing in Kintsugi, the tea ceremony, and Nihon Buyo, enriching our understanding of Japanese culture.
Despite a minor hiccup with my luggage at the beginning, we managed to carry out all the activities thanks to the incredible organization of the event and the cooperation of everyone involved.
As a memento of these special moments, we are sharing some photos by Andrei that capture the magic of Comic-Con. We extend our gratitude to all attendees and those who made this event possible. We look forward to future gatherings to continue exploring the fascinating Japanese culture.